Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Staff Qualifications, Training, Support and Skills

St. Mark’s Pre-school ensures that all staff who have contact with children and families receive supervision.


3.4. Supervision




Little Birds pre-school provides effective supervision to provide support, coaching and training for staff and promote the interests of children.  The supervision fosters a culture of mutual support, teamwork and continuous improvement which encourages the confidential discussion of sensitive issues.


Supervision provides opportunities for staff to:

  • Discuss any issues – particularly concerning children’s development or well-being;
  • Set any personal goals
  • Receive coaching to improve their professional effectiveness
  • Identify any concerns


Supervision is a requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage and this policy is based on the premise that the supervision of staff is an integral part of the day to day business or our pre-school.  It will occur both formally and in other forums including informal discussions and group settings and, in all of these forums the process of supervision should be informed by the standards set out within this document.


Little Birds Pre-school recognises that:

  • Staff supervision is integral to the effective delivery of services.
  • The quality of staff supervision impacts on outcomes for children and their families.
  • The delivery of supervision must be a priority task within the pre-school.
  • All staff have the right to receive regular formal supervision from supervisors who have received appropriate training and are supported within their supervisory role.
  • All staff have a responsibility to participate in supervision and attend formal sessions.
  • The process of supervision is a shared responsibility: staff and their supervisors are expected to contribute to the effectiveness of the process and the pre-school has a responsibility to facilitate a culture which supports the process.








For the purposes of this policy supervision is defined as a process by which one worker is given responsibility by the pre-school to work with another worker(s) in order to meet certain organisational, professional and personal objectives in order to promote positive outcomes for the pre-school users.  The objectives are:

  1. Competent, accountable performance
  2. Continuing professional development
  3. Personal support
  4. Linking the individual to the organisation

The process of supervision is supported by the development of a relationship between supervisors and supervisees which provides a safe environment to support the worker and facilitate reflection, challenge and critical thinking.



The pre-school school will:

  1. Prioritise supervision as an important activity within the pre-school.
  2. Ensure that all staff who come within the scope of this policy have a named supervisor who also has line management responsibility for their work and welfare.
  3. Provide training and ongoing development opportunities for supervisors.
  4. Ensure appropriate space is provided for one to one meetings.
  5. Regularly evaluate the quality of supervision being provided.


The supervisor will:

  1. Ensure the delivery of one to one supervision at a frequency in line with this policy.
  2. Ensure that supervision is recorded in line with the expectations set out within this policy.
  3. Ensure that the prime focus of supervision is the quality of service being received by the children and families.
  4. Use the supervision agreement as the basis for development of a relationship where supervisees can be supported in their work and reflect on their practice.
  5. Ensure the supervisee is clear about how to raise any concerns about the quality of supervision being received.
  6. Use the supervisory process to learn from good practice and give constructive feedback in order to promote professional development.
  7. Address performance concerns as they arise and work positively with the supervisee to improve practice.
  8. Take responsibility for their personal development as a supervisor and use their own supervision to reflect on their supervisory practice.


The supervisee will:

  1. Take responsibility for attending one to one supervision.
  2. Prepare adequately for supervision and take an active part in the process.
  3. Take responsibility for raising any concerns they may have about the quality of the supervisory relationship with the supervisor or, if this is not possible, the third party named within the supervision agreement.








A relationship between a supervisor and supervisee is fundamental to the supervisory process and supervision will take place in a variety of settings and circumstances.


One to One supervision is at the heart of the process and all staff should receive regular formal one to one supervision.


Ad hoc supervision is the dialogue that takes place between a supervisor and supervisee as the need arises. This should be available to all staff but is not a substitute for formal one to one supervision.  The value of ad hoc supervision is that it is an important way of supporting staff, improving performance, keeping pace with change and ensuring that organisational requirements are met.  It should be recorded in line with these procedures.



One to one supervision will take place at least once every half term for all staff.



The development of a productive supervisory relationship starts with:

  • Clarity about roles and responsibilities and organisational requirements.
  • Building rapport, understanding each other’s perspective and any factors that might affect the process.
  • Acknowledging that effective supervision may not always be comfortable and exploring how power, authority and differences of opinion may be negotiated.


This process should be captured within the written agreement and it is the responsibility of supervisors to ensure that an agreement is in place for every supervisee using the pre-school’s template.  This agreement should be signed by both parties and place in the supervisee’s file.


The written agreement is a working tool and should be reviewed at least once a year. (See appendix 1 for written agreement)



Supervision is the opportunity to reflect on feelings, thoughts and actions


Meetings will be recorded on the Supervision Record sheet and kept confidentially on the supervisee’s personal file.  A copy will be given to the supervisee. (See appendix 2)



The supervision process will be reviewed after 12 months and thereafter annually to ensure it is working effectively.

This policy and the provisions practices will be reviewed periodically and kept up-to-date in accordance with any changes in legislation.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of Little Birds Pre-school committee on: 21.01.2014

Reviewed and agreed: 27/04/2018

Reviewed and agreed: 24/03/2021