At Little Birds Pre-school we aim to work together as, and develop an effective Team to achieve the best opportunities for our children as detailed in the 5 outcomes of ‘Every Child Matters’ which forms the basis of our early years curriculum planning:

  1. Be healthy
  2. Stay safe
  3. Enjoy and achieve through learning
  4. Make a positive contribution to society
  5. Achieve economic well being



As a Team we will strive to encourage individuals and the team as a whole to achieve this goal through:

  • Clear expectations – set a clear context of the individual and teams role to meet the values, principles and vision of Little Birds Pre-school
  • Clear Commitment – to understand how to reach our expected outcomes and value each others contribution in meeting that goal.
  • Competence – ensuring skills, knowledge and resources are put in place to achieve our planning and goals.
  • Clear Control – to understand the boundaries and limitations of our Pre-school through monitoring, availability of space, funding and accountability.
  • Clear Collaboration – to work together by understanding roles and responsibilities within the Team. To goal set, to problem solve and resolve conflicts.
  • Clear Communication – to be clear and honest in our work ethos. To give and receive feedback and ensure conflicts are raised and addressed.
  • Creative Innovation – to value creative thinking and new ideas. To embrace change and improvements.  To identify and undertake training to meet innovation and change.
  • Clear Consequences – to resolve problems, not to fear reprisal. To see the impact of our successful team work e.g. through Ofsted evaluation.
  • Co-ordination – to have good leadership. To prioritise and allocate resources to meet the planning and goals.
  • Cultural Change – to focus on the importance of Team working. To be responsible for work processes.  To motivate and empower individuals for the success of Little Birds Pre-school and the learning outcomes of our children.
  • Staff Development – to identify training opportunities to increase our effectiveness and ensure staff meetings encourage identification and sharing of team goals.

This policy and the provisions practices will be reviewed periodically and kept up-to-date in accordance with any changes in legislation.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of St. Mark’s Little Birds Pre-school committee on: 21.01.2014

Reviewed and agreed: 27/04/2018